Driving while your license is revoked or suspended can result in imprisonment for up to 120 days, fines, and an additional period of suspension. If your license is revoked and you are having problems getting them back, contact our office today and schedule an appointment to determine if there is a way to get back on the road, legally.
If you are driving on an invalid license for any reason, you cannot ignore your revoked or suspended license. Paying off a ticket or pleading guilty to a moving violation while your license is suspended can add an additional year of revocation to your record.
Drivers caught with a revoked license can be arrested, fined, and even jailed for misdemeanor offenses. Besides increased insurance rates and restrictions on your driving privileges, violations can also result in a criminal record. There are ways to get you back on the road legally, avoid jail time, and reduce or eliminate fines.
Under North Carolina statutes, there are various versions of DWLR charges. The law classifies most citations as impaired or non-impaired revocations. Harmon Law has the capability to hand either version.
We take the extra step of researching the reason for your suspension to find a solution to getting you back on the road to a valid license. If the reason for the suspension is uncorrectable, we work closely with our ADA to reduce your citation to a lesser charge.
Pleading guilty to a DWLR citation can result in a considerably longer suspension and further complications to your license reinstatement.
North Carolina utilizes a complex structured sentencing method for determining punishments. The consequences you may face if convicted for DWLR depend on your criminal record. Prior conviction levels can increase misdemeanor class level and the maximum sentence an alleged offender can receive.
Based on your misdemeanor class level and prior conviction level, a judge can sentence defendants to three forms of punishment: Active, Intermediate, and Community.
Active Punishment sentences require an alleged offender to serve jail time of 90 days or less in a local confinement facility, otherwise the defendant is committed to the Statewide Misdemeanant Confinement Program and will serve their sentence in a local confinement facility designated by the program if the sentence is more than 90 days.
Active Punishment
Active Punishment sentences require an alleged offender to serve jail time of 90 days or less in a local confinement facility, otherwise the defendant is committed to the Statewide Misdemeanant Confinement Program and will serve their sentence in a local confinement facility designated by the program if the sentence is more than 90 days.
Intermediate Punishment
An intermediate punishment requires a sentence of supervised probation and may include conditions such as drug treatment court, house arrest, electronic monitoring, community service, or substance abuse assessment.
Community Punishment
Punishments other than active punishment may include assignment to drug treatment court, special probation, community service, local confinement facility sentences, substance abuse assessment, monitoring, and treatment.
DMV Hearings & License Restoration
A person arrested for driving while license revoked (DWLR), has two issues to resolve, reinstatement of their revoked or suspended license at a DMV Hearing and facing their criminal charges in court. Even if you were unaware that your license was suspended or revoked, you still can be charged with a DWLR offense.
If you have been arrested in North Carolina for DWLR or driving on a suspended license, you should immediately contact a criminal defense attorney. Harmon Law can assist you in restoring your driving privileges and fighting to get your charges reduced or dismissed.
License Restoration LAWYER IN BOONE
In most DWLR citations, Harmon Law can place you on a waiver of appearance. Our law office’s attorney, Jason Harmon, will appear in court on your behalf, dismissing you from court sessions. You won’t have to take days off while Mr. Harmon makes negotiations with the Watauga County Assistant District Attorney and the presiding judge. You can have the satisfaction of knowing your case is being taken care of by a skilled group of professionals all while not having to take days off work.
If you recently were arrested for DWLR or driving on a suspended license, don’t be at the mercy of the court. Instead of pleading guilty, speak with our experienced team today and set up a confidential consultation to review your case and legal options.