Speeding & Traffic Tickets
If not handled properly, traffic tickets can become much more expensive than the printed cost on the citation.

Driving while License Revoked
If not handled properly, traffic tickets can become much more expensive than the printed cost on the citation.

Being charged with any felony is extremely serious and can result in devastating consequences.

Misdemeanor offenses are not as serious as felonies, but they can still cause major problems in your life if not handled properly.

Whether or not you have a criminal record can have a huge impact on many different aspects of life.

driving while Impaired
Have you been arrested for driving while impaired? DUI and DWIs can have devastating results on your freedom and ability to drive.

Drug Crimes
We are experienced in challenging the state’s evidence to have your charges reduced, or dismissed, or if we can help you seek alternative options such as drug deferral programs.

Marijuana Defense
Despite evolving laws and regulations around medical and recreational marijuana use in the United States, cannabis is classified as a controlled substance in North Carolina.

Student Defense
Are you a college student who was recently arrested for an alleged criminal offense or in need of student conduct representation? Protect your right to education and financial aid.

Underage drinking
Don’t pay off a citation, plead guilty, or accept responsibility for an underage alcohol offense, speak to an attorney to determine what your options might be.
If you have any questions we are here to help.